OkTy App
OkTy App
Silicon valley startup "Ok Thankyou" approached us to develop their core app. Tasked with the responsibility of not only re-framing user's data as a asset they should be paid for, but also defining the experience of getting paid. Either by syncing their data with OkTY or by trading data directly with brands
Silicon valley startup "Ok Thankyou" approached us to develop their core app. Tasked with the responsibility of not only re-framing user's data as a asset they should be paid for, but also defining the experience of getting paid. Either by syncing their data with OkTY or by trading data directly with brands
These "trades" are an unprecendented opportunity for brands to reach incentivised and engaged users, in exchange for cash & promo's.
These "trades" are an unprecendented opportunity for brands to reach incentivised and engaged users, in exchange for cash & promo's.

Core Services

Product Design, Research

Time Frame

3 Weeks

Core Deliverables

App Design, Ux Writing, Points Vs Cash Report


The client's goal was to have the app both educate and enable the trading of personal data. The scope included all 3 primary flows alongside the onboarding. My approach was to weaponise their distinctive mission to help users shift their behaviour on toward personal data. Taking OKTY’s mission turning it to a “Letter of Appeal”, and rewarding users throughout the sign up process helped directly question their attitude toward data. Reinforcing their “re-claim your data” mindset as part of the app experience.

Unique design interventions alongside the Letter of Appeal, was to take their philosophy and apply it to the onboarding process, rewarding small amounts of real cash at each data point shared. Reducing user’s friction to the detailed & sensitive sign up process.


3 Primary Flows

  • Data Banking.

  • Marketplace Trading Flow.

  • Redemptions.

Additional Interventions

  • The Letter of Mission.

  • Points Versus Cash Report.

  • The "Rewarding Sign-up".