
Centering the studio discpline around being effective.
Centering the studio discpline around being effective.
Centering the studio discpline around being effective.

Based in Sydney & Melbourne, Clement is a full stack Designer with over 8 years in Product Design, He has also learnt from the minds of Patagonia, IDEO and the B-corp.

Currently He's running Clem's Studio full time alongside other specialists to holistically solve business problems and empower products & services.

Also yes… I too climb weekly at a bouldering gym.


Product Design

Knowledge Working

Product Service Strategy

Strategic Branding

Web Development


Design Systems

The foundations

Re-purposing Innovations, to our advantage.

In order to innovate, the ability to breakdown why other's have succeeded is the most important piece of the puzzle. After that's done, we use our toolkit to de-couple the strategies from their context, and then apply them to our client's advantage.

Fixate on People, not just Product.

When we tackle design problems, it means looking not just at business goals or users response, but accounting how all our players — play together. Solutions work in systems, not events, and that's how solution's are designed here.

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Previous Experiences

Cert's & Work History

Previous Experiences

Cert's & Work History

Previous Experiences

Cert's & Work History