GimmieNow Partner App
GimmieNow Partner App
GimmieNow is a 2-sided service that gets users items from any store. Debuting in Chadstone, my task was to design their core partner app.
GimmieNow is a 2-sided service that gets users items from any store. Debuting in Chadstone, my task was to design their core partner app.
This app would power both the "Shopper" & "Courier", alongside condensing & automating their partnership proccess and bring it in-app.
This app would power both the "Shopper" & "Courier", alongside condensing & automating their partnership proccess and bring it in-app.

Core Services

Interaction & Product Design, Ux Writting

Time Frame

3 weeks

Core Deliverables

3-User Type App Design, Automated Partnership Onboarding


GimmieNow's app had two directives. Firstly to house both "Runner" & "Courier" experiences (plus a combined type) and secondly to bring their partner entire onboarding process in-app.

The crux of this project was to map and then flesh out the 2-sided service design. Focusing on clarity and lack of friction, we aimed to de-risk errors at each touch point; from the runner, to the shop clerk, to the courier, to the customer, the app sets and communicates clear & reliable expectations at each phase.

This was done through extensive mapping, and even some role-play exercises to ensure the information held by each stakeholder, was functional and disincentivised bad-actors.

Using their existing brand, brand we managed to integrate and shrink onboarding process by 50% reducing bounce rates. All while maintaining compliance checks and quality assurance when it came to new partners.


  • A 3 User Type App Design

    • Runner Flow.

    • Courier Flow.

    • Combined Flow.

    • 2 variations of Pickup.

    Functionality Designs

  • Mode Selection

  • Vehicle Selection

  • Location Selection

  • Settings & Profile Management Flows

  • Automated Credentials Update Flow

  • A 1st Gen Profile, achievements & badges system as well as rating system.

The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.

The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.

The Courier Experience - acquiring the Item & dropping it to the Customer.

The Courier Experience - acquiring the Item & dropping it to the Customer.

Returns Calculator & Beginning of Onboarding

The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.

Returns Calculator & Beginning of Onboarding

Wallet and Operation Modes

The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.

Wallet and Operation Modes

Gen 1 Rating System

The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.


The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.

Partner Profiles

The Shopper Experience - Picking up the item from the store, and heading to the hand off point.